Net Promoter Score: Navigating CX Metrics with Precision

February 1, 2024
10 mins

The Indispensable Net Promoter Score: Navigating CX Metrics with Precision

In a sea of customer experience (CX) metrics, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) remains the lighthouse, guiding businesses toward genuine customer-centric growth. Recent criticisms have not dimmed its value; instead, they highlight the necessity of understanding and applying NPS with precision. Maurice Fitzgerald offers a robust defense of NPS, debunking common objections and underscoring its unmatched value in predicting revenue trends and fostering improvement.

NPS Definition

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a management tool used to gauge the loyalty of a company's customer relationships. It serves as an alternative to traditional customer satisfaction research and claims to be correlated with revenue growth. NPS is calculated based on responses to a single question: "How likely are you to recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?" Respondents are given a rating scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being "not at all likely" and 10 being "extremely likely."

Respondents are then segmented into three categories:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): Loyal enthusiasts who will keep buying and refer others, fueling growth.
  • Passives (score 7-8): Satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who are vulnerable to competitive offerings.
  • Detractors (score 0-6): Unhappy customers who can damage your brand and impede growth through negative word-of-mouth.

To calculate the NPS, subtract the percentage of customers who are Detractors from the percentage of customers who are Promoters. The result is the Net Promoter Score, which can range from a low of -100 (if every customer is a Detractor) to a high of 100 (if every customer is a Promoter).

Strengths of NPS

1. Simplicity and Clarity: At its core, NPS is straightforward—it asks customers how likely they are to recommend a product or service to others on a scale of 0 to 10. This simplicity facilitates easy understanding and interpretation across all levels of an organization, from frontline employees to top management.

2. Direct Measure of Loyalty and Satisfaction: NPS directly gauges customer loyalty, a critical determinant of a company's long-term success. Loyal customers are not only more likely to continue using a product or service but also to recommend it to others, expanding a company's reach organically.

3. Predictive of Growth: Numerous studies have shown a correlation between high NPS scores and business growth. A strong NPS indicates that a company has more promoters than detractors, suggesting a healthy customer base that's likely to contribute to revenue growth through repeat business and referrals.

4. Identifies Detractors and Promoters: NPS helps businesses differentiate between detractors, passives, and promoters. This categorization enables companies to tailor their strategies for customer engagement, retention, and churn reduction, targeting specific groups with the most appropriate interventions.

5. Benchmarks Performance: NPS allows for benchmarking against competitors and industry standards, giving businesses a clear picture of where they stand in the eyes of their customers compared to their peers. This insight is invaluable for strategic planning and competitive positioning.

6. Enhances Customer Experience: By soliciting feedback, NPS signals to customers that their opinions are valued. Following up on this feedback with action demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement, enhancing the overall customer experience.

NPS and Retention and Churn

Predictor of Retention: A high NPS score is a strong indicator of customer satisfaction and loyalty, which are key drivers of customer retention. Customers who are promoters are more likely to stick with a company, contributing to stable revenue streams and long-term profitability.

Reduces Churn: By identifying detractors, NPS enables companies to proactively address issues and concerns that, if left unattended, could lead to churn. Engaging with detractors to understand their grievances and making necessary improvements can convert them into promoters, reducing the overall churn rate.

Facilitates Targeted Interventions: The granularity of NPS feedback allows for targeted interventions aimed at improving customer satisfaction among specific segments. For instance, if a particular product feature is leading to dissatisfaction, companies can focus their efforts on enhancing that feature, directly impacting retention positively.

Empowers Customer Success: NPS feedback can inform customer success strategies by highlighting areas where customers need more support or guidance. This proactive approach to customer success not only improves satisfaction but also strengthens loyalty, contributing to higher retention rates.

The Path to Effective NPS Application

The key to harnessing NPS's full potential lies in its application. Here's where User Vista AI comes into play, offering a revolutionary way to track and analyze NPS data daily. This AI-driven approach ensures that NPS is not just a metric but a dynamic tool for continuous improvement.

How to Implement NPS with User Vista

User Vista revolutionizes the way businesses engage with their users through in-app surveys, combining speed, aesthetics, and deep integration to gather insightful feedback directly within the app environment. Here's a high-level overview of how User Vista operates and why it's an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to stay closely connected with their users' needs and experiences.

Start with a Pre-Built NPS Template

Go to the create a survey.

Select the NPS Flow Template

NPS In App Survey Template

Select what page you want the survey to show up on.

Also select where you want the In App NPS Survey to show up on the page

NPS Survey Options - Page and Placement options

The NPS Flow template is great because it handles Detractors and Promoters all differently.

NPS Survey Logic

Seamless Web App Integration: With full integration capabilities, User Vista's surveys become a natural part of your web application, ensuring a smooth user experience that encourages participation and honest feedback.

Launch it! 

NPS Survey In Action, In app hover when mouse over.

Watch the results start to flow in! 

NPS Survey Score

User Vista's Competitive Edge

Compared to other survey providers like Typeform, Sprig, and Qualtrics, User Vista stands out not just for its comprehensive features but also for its unbeatable value. Offering a free tier with extensive capabilities, including 3+ in-app surveys per month, rage click activation, user targeting, and AI analysis, User Vista provides a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.

Meet Your Users Where They Are: In-app surveys meet users in their natural digital habitat, ensuring higher engagement rates compared to external survey methods.

Efficiency and Engagement: These surveys are designed to be quick and engaging, taking approximately 20 seconds to complete, resulting in three times more responses than traditional methods. Their delightful design ensures that users enjoy participating.

Expert Crafted Survey Templates: User Vista offers a variety of expertly designed templates for different types of surveys, including NPS, CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score), PMF (Product-Market Fit), and many more. This variety ensures that you can tailor your feedback collection to meet specific objectives.

Track Users for Contextual Insights: User Vista's automatic user ranking evaluates the quality of responses based on user engagement, ensuring that you receive high-quality, actionable feedback.

Custom Logic for Personalized Surveys: The platform allows for the creation of surveys with custom logic, ensuring that each user's time is valued by only presenting relevant questions. This customization leads to more accurate and useful feedback.

AI-Powered Insights: User Vista employs AI to analyze survey data, providing clear insights into user satisfaction and areas for improvement. This analysis helps you understand the underlying trends and sentiments in your feedback, guiding strategic decisions.

What is a Good NPS Score? 

A "good" Net Promoter Score (NPS) can vary significantly depending on the industry and market context. However, as a general guideline, an NPS that is positive (above 0) is seen as acceptable, as it indicates that a company has more promoters than detractors. Scores above 20 are considered favorable, scores above 50 are excellent, and scores above 70 are world-class, indicating very high customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Companies with the Best NPS

  1. USAA - The United Services Automobile Association, serving military members and their families, consistently scores high in NPS benchmarks, often above 70, reflecting exceptional customer loyalty in the insurance and banking sectors.
  2. Tesla - Known for its innovation and the strong advocacy of its customers, Tesla has reported high NPS scores, with some reports suggesting scores above 90, indicating extremely high customer satisfaction and loyalty in the automotive industry.
  3. Apple - With its strong brand and customer service, Apple often scores high on NPS within the technology and consumer electronics sectors. Scores vary by product and service but are often reported in the 70-90 range.
  4. Amazon - As a leader in customer satisfaction in the retail sector, Amazon has been reported to have an NPS score ranging from 60 to 70, showcasing its effectiveness in customer loyalty.

Companies with Lower NPS Scores

Companies with the lowest NPS scores are typically found in industries with less competition and lower customer satisfaction ratings overall, such as:

  1. Internet Service Providers and Cable TV Services - Companies like Comcast and Spectrum often find themselves on the lower end of the NPS spectrum, with scores sometimes even in the negative, reflecting widespread customer dissatisfaction.
  2. Airlines - While there's variation within the industry, airlines tend to have lower NPS scores due to the challenging nature of the service, customer service issues, and the impact of delays and cancellations. Scores can range widely but are often lower than those in more customer-centric industries.
  3. Telecommunications - Similar to internet service providers, many large telecommunications companies struggle with customer satisfaction, leading to lower NPS scores.

It's important to note that NPS can fluctuate over time and across different parts of a business. Moreover, comparing scores directly between industries can be misleading due to the different expectations and experiences of customers in those sectors. The best use of NPS is as a tool for measuring changes in customer satisfaction over time within the same company or industry, rather than as an absolute measure of success.

How to improve a Poos NPS Score

NPS touches every department in a business, improving a poor Net Promoter Score (NPS) requires a strategic, customer-focused approach that addresses the root causes of customer dissatisfaction and leverages the insights gained from NPS feedback. Here are actionable steps to enhance your NPS:

1. Analyze the Feedback

  • Segment Responses: Break down the NPS responses by customer segment, product line, or service area to identify specific pain points or areas of dissatisfaction.
  • Understand Detractors: Focus on the feedback from detractors to understand their complaints or suggestions for improvement. Identifying common themes or issues is crucial.

2. Close the Feedback Loop

  • Respond to Feedback: Reach out to detractors (and passives, if possible) to acknowledge their feedback and express your commitment to addressing their concerns.
  • Engage Promoters: Don't ignore your promoters. Understand what they value about your product or service and reinforce these strengths.

3. Implement Targeted Improvements

  • Prioritize Based on Impact: Identify the changes that are likely to have the most significant impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Prioritize these for quick wins.
  • Enhance Customer Experience: Use detractor feedback to pinpoint specific areas for improvement, such as customer service, product quality, or user experience, and make targeted enhancements.

4. Foster a Customer-Centric Culture

  • Empower Employees: Ensure that all employees understand the importance of NPS and their role in improving it. Empower front-line staff to address customer issues proactively.
  • Training and Development: Invest in training programs focused on customer service excellence and empathy to help employees better engage with and resolve customer concerns.

5. Continuously Monitor and Adapt

  • Regularly Measure NPS: Conduct NPS surveys at regular intervals to monitor progress and identify new issues as they arise.
  • Iterate Based on Insights: Treat the process of improving your NPS as iterative. As you implement changes, measure their impact and be prepared to adjust your strategy based on what you learn.

6. Enhance Product or Service Quality

  • Focus on Quality: Ensure your product or service meets customer needs and expectations. Continuously seek ways to innovate and improve quality.
  • Add Value: Look for opportunities to add value for your customers beyond the core offerings, whether through content, support, or additional services.

7. Improve Communication

  • Set Clear Expectations: Ensure your marketing and communications accurately reflect your offerings to avoid mismatched expectations.
  • Enhance Transparency: Be transparent about challenges or changes that may affect your customers. Open communication builds trust.

8. Leverage Technology

  • Use CRM Systems: Implement or enhance your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to better track customer interactions and feedback.
  • Automate Follow-ups: Use automated tools to follow up with customers after their feedback has been received, keeping them informed about the steps you're taking.

Improving a poor NPS is not a quick fix but a strategic commitment to listening to your customers, addressing their concerns, and continuously seeking ways to enhance their experience with your brand. Success in improving NPS comes from a genuine effort to understand and serve your customers better, leading to increased loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

Addressing NPS Criticisms Head-On

Maurice Fitzgerald confronts common NPS criticisms, offering a nuanced perspective on its applicability and effectiveness:

  • Complexity vs. Simplicity: While compound metrics may offer detailed insights, their complexity hinders widespread understanding and application. NPS's straightforward approach ensures it remains accessible and actionable.
  • Predictive Validity: The recommendation question may not be the ultimate predictor in every industry, but for many, it remains the most reliable indicator of brand-level revenue trends.
  • Gaming and Manipulation: Like any metric, NPS is susceptible to manipulation. However, this challenge is not unique to NPS and can be mitigated through rigorous survey methodology and ethical practices.

NPS: A Continuous Journey of Improvement

NPS is not just a score but a catalyst for growth, demanding continuous engagement and improvement. User Vista AI stands as a testament to the evolving nature of NPS application, offering businesses an advanced, AI-powered toolkit for turning customer feedback into actionable strategies for enhancement.

In the hands of dedicated professionals, NPS transcends its role as a metric to become a cornerstone of strategic customer experience management. It's a journey of perpetual refinement, with NPS at the helm, steering towards deeper customer understanding and sustained business success.


In the realm of CX metrics, NPS continues to hold its ground as the most effective, understandable, and actionable tool. Its critics notwithstanding, NPS's ability to cut through the noise and provide clear, predictive insights into customer behavior and business growth remains unparalleled. With innovative tools like User Vista AI, businesses are better equipped than ever to leverage NPS in their pursuit of excellence, making every customer voice count in the symphony of growth.

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