How Sprig Stacks up
We understand the essence of accurate and authentic data. At UserVista, every participant undergoes a meticulous pre-screening process, ensuring you connect with the best fit for your research needs.
User Vista is an affordable alternative to Sprig In App Surveys. If you are looking to run in app surveys and not break the bank look no further!
Book a DemoHow Sprig Stacks up
Sprig, formerly known as UserLeap, started as a micro survey solution similar to User Vista. With its rebrand in 2021, Sprig broadened its offering and pivoted to an "all-in-one product research platform" with less focus on its survey product. At User Vista, we took a different approach. We are an advanced in-product microsurvey tool with comprehensive customization options. Unlike Sprig, we support many survey use cases and are not limited to product research.
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